Visualize all charging stations on an engaging map and preview the list of public charging stations matching your searching criteria.
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Immediately download comprehensive insights with detailed data exports. Online reports are currently available in daily or weekly aggregates of activities per public charging station.
Enhance planning, maintenance, and decision-making with access to the industry’s largest EV charging database and industry-leading insights
Tap into billions of data points aggregated across providers for a comprehensive, big-picture view.
Enriched static data related to the attributes of a public fast charging station.
Paren’s estimates of the utilization rate of a fast public charging station.
Paren’s exclusive inferred reliability of a fast public charging station. Our proprietary algorithm leverages millions of historical charging sessions and has proven to correlate the experience of drivers on site.
Detailed hourly pricing and price structure at the charging site.
Paren’s exclusive safety score leverages hundreds of attributes per charging site to reflect the expected driver’s experience at any time, day or night.