Connect to the largest database of Charge Point Operators across the USA, providing you with the most extensive and reliable EV charging data in the world.
Access the industry’s largest EV charging database with insights on availability, reliability, pricing, and safety. Enhance route planning and reliability with comprehensive data and more variables than ever before.
Deploy rapidly with our seamless API, reducing costs, manpower, and latency, to ensure decision-makers and drivers always have up-to-date EV charging information.
We provide critical insights for both current trips and future charging sessions. Every week, we analyze hundreds of thousands of EV charging sessions on the public network.
Our proprietary data and insights elevate the dataset to a higher standard for our industry by including the following charging attributes:
Drivers need to know when stations are available, whether now, later in the day, or later in the week.
Get historical and predicted hourly availability over 7 days a week
Charging stations can sometimes be unreliable. Drivers need a consistent reliability score to ensure they can count on their chosen stations.
Get a reliability score updated continuously based on historical performance and recent experiences.
Pricing varies widely based on the network, power dispensed, and time of day. Drivers need transparent and accurate pricing information.
Provide current pricing details, such as price per kWh, session fees, and idle fees, across multiple stations.
Safety conditions at charging stations can change throughout the day. Drivers need to feel safe when charging their vehicles.
Offer a safety score, updated hourly, to help drivers quickly assess their best options.
Make the most of your charging time by enjoying nearby amenities
Get a list of immediately accessible amenities and available at the time of charging.
With Charge Now, you can use Paren’s API to deliver a list of available charging stations along with their most critical attributes.
This allows drivers to receive real-time information on current pricing, safety scores, reliability scores, and amenities, ensuring they can choose the best charging option at any given moment.
Imagine a driver traveling from Point A to Point B with a planned stop at Charging Station C. If Station C becomes crowded, Paren’s predictive availability feature detects the wait time
This allows you to offer built-in rerouting, suggesting alternative stations optimized for the driver’s itinerary through Paren’s data.
Stay informed with real-time notifications. Using Paren’s data, you can enable drivers to receive updates on the status of their favorite charging stations, ensuring they are always aware of any changes.